Collection: The Argentinian Corner

🌟 Weekend Collection of the Most Popular Argentine Dishes, Crafted by Chef Menajem 🌟

Enjoy an Exclusive Argentine Culinary Experience

🍴 Available for pick-up or delivery exclusively on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

Dive into the flavor and tradition of Argentina with our Weekend Collection. Each dish is a culinary masterpiece, meticulously crafted by Chef Menajem, to bring you the best of Argentine cuisine. This special collection is available exclusively during the weekend, perfect for delighting your family and friends with authentic flavors and memorable dishes.

Make your choice from a variety of our most celebrated recipes, from classic Argentine empanadas to irresistible alfajores. Each dish is a journey through the rich culinary traditions of Argentina, presented with the skill and love that only Chef Menajem can offer.

πŸ“… Reserve your Argentine culinary experience for the weekend. Available only for pick-up or delivery on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

βœ’οΈ by Chef Menajem πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³